
E.ON Energy Infrastructure Solutions Table

State-of-the-art multi-touch table in showrooms all over Europe

Showroom & Brandspace
Trade Fair & Event



  • debut at GREENTECH FESTIVAL 2023
  • leading the energy transition for industries and cities
  • solving the energy trilemma (affordability, security of supply, decarbonization)
  • captivating user experiences
  • customer journey & communication
  • integration in showrooms across Europe
  • debut at GREENTECH FESTIVAL 2023
  • leading the energy transition for industries and cities
  • solving the energy trilemma (affordability, security of supply, decarbonization)
  • captivating user experiences
  • customer journey & communication
  • integration in showrooms across Europe

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About the Project

As E.ON Energy Infrastructure Solutions we are intelligently transforming how energy is generated and supplied in a sustainable, reliable and affordable way to cities and industries. The durable hardware and software systems and unique object recognition technology of the E.ON Mastertable have been well-received by our teams and stakeholders, simplifying and enhancing the presentation opportunities of E.ON Energy Infrastructure Solutions. In our showrooms and on trade shows the Mastertable setup allows us to convey our solution portfolio to diverse stakeholders on one digital table in a tangible manner.

With Interactive Scape, we have found the right partner and a great approach to present our complex solutions to customers in a simple and convincing way. The EIS MasterTable will be used in exhibition spaces throughout Europe, creating an entirely new customer experience.

Jens Kleine

Global Marketing E.ON Energy Infrastructure Solutions

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