
Modern, interactive knowledge transfer in museums and exhibitions

Museums have always been a place of education and participation. Wonderful warehouses of knowledge, accessible to all. They should be appealing, entertaining and understandable for many different visitors. Intuitive and accessible, they should make the most of existing information convey it in a dialogue. Modern exhibitions have to meet a wide range of requirements. We’ll show you how to successfully add value and a guaranteed WOW effect into your exhibition design with interactive exhibits - more precisely, multi-touch media tables with optional object recognition.

Modern experience exhibitions: Activate, motivate, interact, learn

As a participatory learning environment for young and old, the digital exhibition must convey important information, present it intuitively and make it an interactive experience. The exhibits should activate visitors’ imaginations and motivate them to explore independently. Digital museum exhibits should arouse curiosity, playfully direct the visitor’s attention and encourage communication with the exhibition elements. While in the past this was limited to classic, one-way media such as photos, videos, audio or text panels, new media and technologies open up completely new ways to engage with museum content alone or in groups.

Modern media stations enable a real dialogue with the unique objects, artefacts and content of an exhibition. This dialogue must be interactive and explorative, so that visitors can engage with the individual topics of the museum at their own pace. After all, every museum visitor comes to the exhibition with very different background knowledge and expectations. Interactive multi-touch exhibits allow precisely this flexibility when exploring the multimedia content: Languages, depth of detail, media formats and much more can be viewed in different ways. Of course, the technology must be integrated into the overall concept so that the focus is on the content and the creative ways to experience it. The technology must be extremely reliable, high quality and intuitive, but it should never be the focus of the visitor's attention; it is there to support the didactic transfer of knowledge.

What is important for interactive exhibits?

Central, flexible media management through web-based CMS

It should be possible to manage your digital content centrally via a clear, reliable content management system (CMS). This means that you and your colleagues can independently manage the content of the exhibit or even the entire exhibition at any time and update or expand it as needed, without the need for a programmer. With Interactive Scape, you get a high-performance, lean cloud-based CMS that offers you exactly the customisation options you want. This means that you have your museum content clearly, quickly and reliably in your hands at all times, without needing any extraordinary technical knowledge.

In the Spy Museum Berlin, our web-based Easire® CMS is used to reliably feed 140 displays with individual content and to manage it centrally.

Combining haptic and digital in a sustainable way

With the help of haptic objects and tactile experience, exhibition content remains in the mind for a long time. The more senses are activated when visiting an exhibition, the more entertaining and profound the learning experience - for young and old. With multitouch object recognition, you can combine the best of both worlds: haptic objects are recognised by the media table and connected with the almost limitless possibilities of digital content. For example, replicas can be held in the hand and felt, and additional information can appear in the application when they are placed on the display. Wall displays and projections can be controlled by placing or moving interactive objects on the media table, which invites visitors to interact and creates a lasting impression.

Interactive media desk in the DDR Museum Berlin

Flexible knowledge transfer

The curator can think of different ways to experience museum content, whether in groups or individually, in one language or another, in-depth or less complex, or starting at different entry levels. Interactive media stations allow visitors to customise complexity, pace, language and media format so they experience your exhibition the way they want to. At the same time, games such as a quiz can make content even more entertaining. Different audiences enjoy unique experiences as they are guided through the exhibition in a fun way. Exciting, immersive exhibits can also be created with the help of networking different technologies.

The new exhibition in the Schweizer Haus Museum in Buckow, Brandenburg

Analysis of visitor behaviour

Visitors' interaction with digital museum content can be recorded and evaluated anonymously. This allows you to see what information is viewed, how visitors move through the interactive media stations and what actions they perform. This helps you to draw conclusions about the information conveyed within the exhibition and to continuously improve your content and interaction levels.


Curious? We look forward to meeting you and discussing your ideas.
Book a demo here or contact us for a no-obligation consultation.


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