Transforming Ideas Into Reality
Use Case Focus
Showrooms & Brand Spaces
Smart City & Infrastructure
Museum & Exhibition
Education & Research
Tourism & POI
We combine digital information with tangible models to build powerful communication tools
Finest Computerized Manufacturing of High Quality Objects, Models, Art and Exhibits
Multidisciplinary Team of architects, designers, programmers, model makers combine their skills to transform your idea into reality
030 69 80 94 0
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6 , 10179 Berlin
© werk5
Werk5 transforms the ideas of architects, artists and museums into tangible realitites – through models, intelligent objects, interactive exhibitons andplatforms. Our clients benefit of our expertise in tangible medium and inclusive design to communicate their idea in an intuitive way to a broad range of audience.
werk5 new craft – Transforming Ideas Into Reality
Better Together – we love to develop immersive experiences for our clients with the Interactive Scape team, and enjoy to work just next door.