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Scape X® Module

With the Scape X® Module, our patented Scape X® Technology breaks free: Designed to integrate seamlessly with third-party multitouch displays, it delivers the unmatched precision of Scape X® Object Recognition to displays of any shape and size.

From the bezel-less DISPLAX Tile Pro | Scape X® to custom multitouch tables from TSI Touch, the Scape X® Module enables tangible, AI-driven object recognition that is taken to new heights of precision, clarity, and invisibility, blending content seamlessly with real objects. Whether you're building interactive installations, multitouch tables, or experiential displays, Scape X® ensures unparalleled accuracy and versatility.

Effortless Integration

Connecting the Scape X® Module is simple, with step-by-step guidance to get you up and running:

1. Cabling

Connect the Scape X® Module via USB to the display and via Ethernet to the application PC

2. Configure Network Adapter

Assign IP settings

3. Activate License & Key

The license is automatically activated upon first connection

4. Calibrate

Fine-tune performance with intuitive on-screen instructions and testing tools

5. Enable Windows Touch via TUIO (optional)

Use the open-source Touch Injector software to simulate Windows Touch input through TUIO, enabling precise, cross-application touch interactions that leverage TUIO's accuracy

6. Connect multiple displays

Bezel-less displays like the Tile Pro | Scape X® can be converted into large multitouch surfaces by merging TUIO output from several Scape X® Modules using an Ethernet Hub

Future-Proof Your Display Technology

Backed by the patented Scape X® AI-based object recognition system, Scape X® Module ensures precision and reliability, made in Germany. Whether used in retail, education, museums, or corporate environments, it elevates the user experience by bringing tangible, touch-sensitive displays to life.

Bring Scape X® to your display.
Learn more about Scape X® here.

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